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Minus Fives

Next Wednesday, the 17th July, will be the last session of Minus 5s before the summer holidays. Have a great summer. Look forward to seeing you  in September…

Summer Activities

Click here to donate to help fund the summer activities. Click here to register for the Summer Activities…

Sunday Club

Sunday Club will resume at 10am on Sunday 7th January. Connect, Create, and Celebrate. The Sunday Club @ St John’s provides an opportunity for primary school age children and their families to meet in the church hall, giving them a … Continue reading →

Green Team News

In our Church Mission Action Plan, the PCC has made it a priority to develop our engagement with creation. One of the areas in which our recently established Green Team is working, is on ways to utilise the churchyard and … Continue reading →

A New Bible Study Group

At the recent PCC meeting we continued to work on the Parish’s ‘Mission Action Plan’ and the subject of Bible study groups was raised.  Currently, there is one group in the Parish which has ten members and cannot accommodate more.  … Continue reading →