Sunday 14th July – 14th Sunday after Trinity

There will be a Sung Eucharist at 10.00 am, Revd. Roy Burgess will preside and preach.

Families with very young children can get together in the children’s area at the back of the Church for this service,

Sunday Club will meet in the hall.

There will be refreshments after the service.

The 10am service will be recorded and available afterwards on Soundcloud.

Then at 6pm there will be a Songs of Praise Service. See below for details.

Roadworks Update

The roads around the church are now clear with access from all approaches.

Wednesday morning service

Every Wednesday at 10am (BCP service), refreshments available after the service.  

Church open/Private Prayer

The church is open from Monday to Saturdays 9:00am – 3:00pm.

Please do be aware that on Mondays from 9.15-11.15 and on Thursdays from 9.15-12.00 during term times, there is a group called Music With Mummy in the foyer. If you see a class ongoing in the foyer or the hall please do not interrupt them.

The income we receive from outside groups is important and helps us to balance our budget.

Thank you for your co-operation.

July Services

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