
What is Hope Zone?

Hope Zone was set up as an after-school safe place for children of secondary school age.  The Drop-In centre opened on Wednesday 9th September 2009 under the auspices of Churches Together in Crowthorne.  Hope Zone subsequently became a Charity in its own right.  The original Drop-In Centre is currently suspended.  

Zone Six was set up in 2013 for year 6 pupils from all the primary schools to aid them in the transition from primary to secondary school, enabling children to meet and make friends with children from other schools in their catchment area.

A new youth worker, Carin Hunter, was appointed in September 2022 replacing Louise Truscott who had held the post from its inauguration 13 years ago.  The drop-in centres are staffed by at least two adults, volunteers from all the Crowthorne churches, who are checked for work with minors. More volunteers are always needed especially male role models!

What goes on?

The Hub is converted into a games area for young people with stations providing computer games for up to four players each.  There is also a tuck shop, table football, table tennis, board games and lounging cushions with additional activities laid on for special occasions – pancake making, Easter egg hunts etc.   Zone 6 takes place on a Monday during term time from 3.30 – 5.00pm and, since the Covid lockdown, those attending need to book their place online.   


Summer Activities

Hope Zone also organises the Summer Activities which take place on four Friday afternoons on the Morgan Recreation Ground during the long summer holiday.  These provide free entertainment/activities for local children from 3 to 5 pm. and are very popular with up to 150 participants attending each week.   They are staffed by volunteers from all the Crowthorne Churches who take turns to provide a craft tent for the children.  Other activities include bouncy castles, a climbing wall, tag rugby, cycling, a visit from the fire brigade and the afternoon is rounded off with a slice of pizza for each child.   

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