At the APCM held on 14th March 2024, we thanked Leigh for her 5 years of service as one of our Churchwardens and welcomed Anne Pelham as our new Church Warden, to serve for four years. James Laverick was re-elected as our other Church Warden.
Our treasurer, Tracy Perrett, reported on our financial situation and we gave thanks for our generous congregation who turned a potential deficit into a healthy surplus.
Julie Roberts, our new Electoral Roll Officer, announced a small rise in the number of people on the electoral roll.
We received reports of all aspects of Church life and gave thanks for all the people serving the Church.
We thanked Diana Gray, who stepped down as a PCC member after six years of service. Paul and Jane Verschueren, and Leigh Welham, were elected as new members of our PCC, Jim Wearing was re-elected.
Mary Harwood was thanked for her many years of service as PCC Secretary and Pam Carter was elected as the new PCC Secretary.
Tracy Perrett was re-elected as treasurer and Laura Myers as our Independent Examiner.
Copies of the Annual Accounts and Annual Reports available by clicking the links below.