Category Archives: Archive

This is an archive of the most recent 100 posts

Book Club

We are reading Come With Me to Kathmandu. We will be discussing this on Tuesday 23rd July. Everyone welcome. For a synopsis of the book please click on the picture.

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Flower Festival

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Board Games Afternoon

Saturday 25th May from 2:30pm – 4:30pm We are having a board games afternoon on Saturday 25th May, from 2:30pm. There will be tea/coffee and cake available. Bring a game or just yourself and enjoy a game or two with … Continue reading

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Christmas Community Choir

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Cecilia Singers to raise funds for St Johns

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Annual Spring Clean

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Sign up to the Electoral Role

Do you worship regularly at St. John’s? 

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Songs of Praise

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Board Games – Saturday 24th February – just for fun

On Saturday 24th February from 2.30pm-4.30pm we are having another board games afternoon. There will be tea/coffee and cake available. Bring a game or just yourself and enjoy a game or two with like-minded people. Donation towards costs appreciated. Everyone of any … Continue reading

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Thank you to Crowthorne Parish Council

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Captain Noah and his floating zoo

Churches Together extravaganza in St John’s Church on 9th June – Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo- rehearsals starting on Thursday 18th April in St Michael’s, Sandhurst from 8.15 – 9.00pm (’ish) and you’re all very welcome to join in. … Continue reading

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BRF Reading Notes

Bible Reading Notes St John’s has a group subscription with the Bible Reading Fellowship to order Bible Reading Notes, which means that we don’t pay postage. There are several different books of notes available. The prices are for a yearly … Continue reading

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Beetle Drive and Afternoon Tea

Use the QR code, or click here to buy tickets.

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Upcoming road works

From 25th March SGN will be moving the roadworks further up Sandhurst Road and then along Church Street and Waterloo Road.  This work will be to continue the installation of new plastic gas pipe which has been in progress during previous weeks … Continue reading

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Cake Stall in aid of the Flower Festival

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