BRF Reading Notes

Bible Reading Notes

St John’s has a group subscription with the Bible Reading Fellowship to order Bible Reading Notes, which means that we don’t pay postage. There are several different books of notes available. The prices are for a yearly subscription.

There are more details on

New Daylight: our most popular series, New Daylight is for everyone on their daily journey with God (£14.97)

New Daylight Deluxe: all the content of New Daylight, but with bigger text (£19.05)

Guidelines: our Bible reading notes aimed at church leaders, students and those who seek to interpret and apply the biblical text with confidence in today’s world. (£14.97)

The Upper Room: written by its readers all over the world, The Upper Room focuses on finding God in daily experience (£14.97)

Day by Day with God: this series is written for women, by women who have themselves found the Bible a source of strength and inspiration for life (£14.97)

Bible Reflections for Older People: these Bible reflections aimed at older people will bring hope, assurance and sustenance to the reader (£16.65)

There are samples of the notes in the foyer. If you would like to start receiving Bible reading notes, or for more information please contact Anna Forbes on 01344 772577 or contact the Church Office. 

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