Christ the King – Missions

This Sunday, the 20th November, is Christ the King Sunday, the day when we especially remember the seven missions we support through our Church regular giving. These missions are: The Church Mission Society, The Leprosy Mission, The Church Army, Corrymeela, Embrace the Middle East, The Bible Society, Hopezone and the two other missions we support through occasional collections, The Children’s Society and The Alexander Device Children’s Hospice. There will be a display board in the hall showing a little about the work done through each of the missions.

Our preacher will be the Revd Su McClellan from ‘Embrace the Middle East’. After the service there will be opportunity for people to chat to Su.

The Missions committee will be serving cake with the usual coffee and tea and there will be opportunity to donate to ‘Embrace the Middle East’.

Hazel Berry, Chair of the Missions Committee.

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